Hello friends, in today’s article, we see chapter 2 from the book the secrets of millionaire mind by T. Harv Eker. In this chapter, the author explains the second principle of the wealth of rich people. so let’s see this wealth principle.

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Wealth File #2 from Rich People:-

To buy this book: Click hereRich People Principles

Rich People play the money game to win, Poor People play the money game to not lose.

In this principle, the author explains the rich mindset and poor mindset regarding the money game.

The author says, ” Poor people play the money game on Defense rather than Offense.”

then the author asks us a question, ” If you were to play any sport or any game strictly on defense, what are the chances of your winning that game? Most people would agree, slim and none.”

After this question, the author says, ” Yet that’s exactly how most people play the money game. their primary concern is survival and Security instead of creating wealth and abundance.” (Rich People Principles)

Then the author asks us some questions, ” So what is your goal? what is your objective? what is your true intention? “

after this question author told, ” The Goal of truly rich people is to have massive wealth and abundance not just some money, but lots of money.”

So the author explains the Poor people’s goals, ” so what is the big goal of poor people? it’s simple to answer is To have enough to pay the bills and on time would be a miracle”

Then the author reminds us, ” Power of intention, when your intention is to have enough to pay the bills, that’s exactly how much you will get just enough to pay the bills and not a dime more.”

Then the author explains middle-class people’s goals. Middle-class people at least go a step further too bad it’s a tiny step. their big goal in life also happens to be their favorite word in the whole wide world famous. (Rich People Principles)

They just want to be “Comfortable”

then the author breaks the news and says, ” there is a huge difference between being comfortable and being rich.”

Then the author admits and says, ” I have to admit, I didn’t always know that, but one of the reasons I believe I have the right to even write this book is that I’ve had the experience of being an all three sides of the proverbial fence.

Then the author tells his story, ” Live been extremely broke, as in having to borrow a dollar for gas for my car, but let me qualify that. First, it wasn’t my car. Second, that dollar comes in the form of four quarters.

do you know how embarrassing it is for an adult to pay for gas with four quarters? the kid at the pump, looked at me as if I were some kind of vending machine robber and then just shook his head and laughed.

I don’t know if you can relate, but it was definitely one of my financial low points and unfortunately just one of them.

Once I got my act together, I graduated to the level of being comfortable.”

Then the author says, ” comfortable in Nice, at least you go out to decent restaurants for a change. but pretty much all I could order was chicken. Now there is nothing wrong with chicken if that’s what you really want, but often it’s not.” (Rich People Principles)

In fact, People how are only financially comfortable usually decide on what to eat by looking at the right-hand side of the Menu- the price side.

And they ask, ” What would you like for dinner tonight, dear? i will have this $7.95 dish.”

Let’s see what it is, surprise, surprise, it’s the chicken” for the nineteenth time this week.”

Then the author says, ” When you are comfortable, you don’t dare allow your eyes to look at the bottom of the menu for if you did, you might come across the most forbidden words in the middle-class dictionary ” Market Price”  and even if you were curious you did never ask what the price actually is.

First because, you know you can’t afford it second, it’s downright embarrassing when you know the waiter doesn’t believe you when he tells you the dish is $49 with side dishes extra and you say, ” You know what, for some reason, I have a real craving for chicken tonight.”

then the author says, Being rich ” I have to say that for me personally one of the best things about being rich is not having to look at the price on the menu anymore. I eat exactly what I want to eat regardless of the price.

I can assure you, I didn’t do that when I was broke or comfortable.

It  boils down to this

Wealth principle: If your goal is to be comfortable chances are you will never get rich. but if your goal is to be rich chances are you will end up mighty comfortable.

One of the principles we teach in our program is ” if you shoot for the starts you will at least hit the moon.”

Poor people don’t even shoot for the ceiling in their house and then they wonder why they are not successful.”

then the author says, ” well they just found out, You get what you truly intend to get. (Rich People Principles)

If you want to get rich, your goal has to be rich. Not to have enough to pay the bills and not just to have enough to be comfortable.

Rich means are rich!”

then the author gives activities to do to practice this principle.

Declaration:- place your hand on your heart and say ” my goal is to become a millionaire and more.”

Touch Your head and say:- ” I have a millionaire mind.”

Millionaire Mind Actions:- 

  1. Write down two financial objectives that demonstrate your intention to create abundance, not mediocrity or poverty. write ” play to win” goals for a) Annual Income b) Net worth make these goals achievable with a realistic time frame. ” Yet at the same time remember to Shoot for the stars”
  2. Go to an upscale restaurant and order a meal at ” market Price” without asking how much it cost. ( If funds are tight sharing is acceptable) i.e. No chicken.

so this is all about chapter 2 from the book the secrets of the millionaire mind by T. Harv. Eker

Read More

  1. the secrets of the millionaire mind book introduction
  2. rich dad poor dad
  3. Security Analysis book by David Dodd and Benjamin Graham

By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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