Hello friends, I am Laxman, in this article, we discuss the book summary of the secret of the millionaire mind in that we see part 2 i.e the wealth files. The author gives us in part 1 the process of the thought to result. let’s recall, our thought converts into feelings, our feelings convert into action, our actions convert into the result. so for that author give the difference of thinking pattern between the poor, middle class and the rich people. we considering this and develop the rich people thinking pattern by this file. for that author give us the 17 different wealth files to getting rich. so in this article, we discuss the first wealth file of getting rich. (secret of millionaire mind book part-II chapter one)

the secret of millionaire mind part-II chapter one :

Rich people believe “I create my life.” Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”: the secret of millionaire mind part-II chapter one

secret of millionaire mind book

In this file, you get the belief of rich people and poor people. Rich people believe that they will create
their life and they have full control over their life.
but in that compare with the poor people, they believe that life happens to me,
they will think that whatever happens in life we can fight with it. They don’t control their life or nothing to do to control their life.
Poor people believe that someone chooses him to be rich so for that they buying the lottery ticket.
And thinking to become rich. Poor people spend about half of their payments on buying a lottery ticket. (secret of millionaire mind book summary)
You have understood that you are the ones who create success or mediocrity. Just you have to be ready to build the rich people’s mindset and develop your own in the unconscious mind.
Rich people play the role of victim, not they are the victim. poor people become a victim because they think become victim is to get them something. If you want to become rich you have avoid to become a victim.
Following are the characteristics of victims.(secret of millionaire mind book summary)


Victim Clue #1: Blame

why poor people are not rich is the only reason is that they are professional in the blame game. In this game, they are blame society, economy, government, etc. they think the blame is the part to put the responsibility to others. They are most blame to their parents and gods. When you blame you can not be on the right path of becoming rich. (secret of millionaire mind book summary)

Victim Clue #2: Justifying

Those people are not blaming, they come in the justifying problem. they justify themselves to they were right about that situation. and saying like that, “money is not important to him.” but money has the important but they can’t say like that, that why they are broke. If money is not important then you can’t live in this society, because of anything you want required money.

Victim Clue #3: Complaining

they are also complaining about their circumstances whatever they have the problem. the author says they are the big believer of that,” Whatever you focus on they are expanding.” It sounds logical also. if you focus on the complaint then they are increasing. the author says complaining is the worst of wealth as well as health. So stop complaining to become rich. WEALTH PRINCIPLE: When you are complaining, you become a living, breathing “crap magnet.”  (secret of millionaire mind book summary)

This is all about the wealth file #1 in the secrete of the millionaire mind book.

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By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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