Blue Ocean Strategy Book Summary

Hello friends, in today’s article, we see the Blue Ocean Strategy Book Summary. so you will become the good businessman and make your own brand in new market.

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Blue Ocean Strategy Book Summary

“Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant” is a business strategy book written by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne.


The central concept of the book is the idea of creating a “blue ocean” — a market space with little or no competition, as opposed to a “red ocean” crowded with competitors. Here’s a summary of the key principles and ideas from “Blue Ocean Strategy”:

1. Red Ocean vs. Blue Ocean: (Blue Ocean Strategy Book Summary)

Red Ocean: Represents existing industries with intense competition, where companies fight for a share of a finite market.
Blue Ocean: Signifies untapped market space where competition is irrelevant because the market is created, not fought over.


2. Value Innovation:

– Definition: Creating and capturing new market space by delivering superior value to customers at a lower cost.
– Key Point: Instead of focusing on beating the competition, companies should focus on making the competition irrelevant by offering a leap in value to customers.


3. Six Principles of Blue Ocean Strategy:

– Reconstruct Market Boundaries: Redefine industry boundaries and break away from the competition.
– Focus on the Big Picture, Not Numbers: Concentrate on the total value delivered to buyers, not just incremental improvements.
– Reach Beyond Existing Demand: Seek out new groups of customers who are not currently served by the industry.
– Get the Strategic Sequence Right: Properly sequence the strategic moves to build momentum and acceptability in the market.
Overcome Key Organizational Hurdles: Address organizational challenges to execute blue ocean strategies successfully.
– Build Execution into Strategy: Ensure that the strategy is executable and that the organization is aligned to implement it effectively.

4. The Four Actions Framework:

– Reduce: Eliminate factors that the industry takes for granted but can be reduced.
– Raise: Increase factors that the industry has never offered but could be raised.
– Eliminate: Remove elements that the industry has long competed on.
– Create: Introduce new factors that the industry has never offered.


5. Strategy Canvas:

Definition: A visual representation of a company’s strategic positioning in the market compared to its competitors.
– Use: Helps companies see how they can break away from the competition and create a blue ocean by offering a distinct value proposition.


6. Case Studies:

– Examples: The book provides numerous case studies, including Cirque du Soleil, which redefined the circus industry, and Southwest Airlines, which created a new space in the airline industry.
– Purpose: The case studies illustrate how companies have successfully implemented blue ocean strategies in various industries.


7. Renewal and Sustainability:

– Continuous Innovation: Blue Ocean Strategy emphasizes the importance of continuous innovation to stay ahead and maintain a competitive advantage. (Blue Ocean Strategy Book Summary)
– Avoiding Commoditization: The strategy helps companies avoid falling into the trap of competing solely on price, preventing commoditization.


“Blue Ocean Strategy” encourages businesses to shift their focus from competing in existing markets to creating new markets. By offering unique value propositions, companies can break away from the competition and tap into unexplored market space.

The book provides a systematic framework and real-world examples to guide organizations in implementing blue ocean strategies successfully.


Read more Book Summary

By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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