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Hello friends, in today’s, article, we see the book summary of India’s number one sales and marking trainer the Santosh Nair book of Eleven commandments of Life Maximization: Be a leader for life. so this is the national number one bookseller, you should have to read, it’s book give the specific standard and formulae for success.

so let’s begin

Eleven Commandments of Life Maximization: Be a leader for life

Introduction:  Todays in our life  we found there are two different types of people

1)    Living life

2)    Spending life

Living life: living means maximizing life progression and when you live the life you become a ‘meaningful specific’

This type of life lives only 5% of people on the earth. (Eleven Commandments of Life Maximization)

Spending life: spending means minimizing life regression and when you spend life, you become a wandering generality

This type of life living all over 95% of people on the earth

According to the author definition of life maximization:

Life maximization is a long, lonely process of continuously expiring your current self, thinking beyond possibility, and distancing yourself from emotionally draining distractions by single-handed maximizing all resources around you and rocking the boat of life in the middle of the sea such that you live a life which is autonomous, forever, alive, led by strong thoughts words and deeds, that of a leader and difficult to be duplicated, thereby maximizing life for a lifetime. (Eleven Commandments of Life Maximization)

What is mean by commandments:

  1. A law of god
  2. Mandate
  3. An instruction
  4. Directive
  5. Order

“Live life as like otherwise taken to 40 lifetimes to be duplicated.”

Let’s see the one by one commandment of life maximization


Commandment – 1: Declare your expiry date

The expiry date refers to a date on which you will expire your current self and everything that you are currently doing, to rise to the next level. Extinguish yourself periodically and rise. Emerge as someone new, different and better.

Lets we see some points to declare our expiry date to achieve our goal:

1) D & D – decision and declaration:

There is one theory:    PP vs PP – private pressure vs public pressure

Once you announce your plans, your plans, you will, will, will, and will expire your current self – you have no alternative. (Eleven Commandments of Life Maximization)

We have to take the decision and announce them in front of the public to taken public pressure.

2) Intelligence vs wisdom:

The important elements in this process  of self-expiration are intelligence and wisdom

Intelligence:  intelligence means understanding a particular concept and take the knowledge of that concept. Example:  knowing How to sell.

Wisdom: when you have implemented that knowledge in your life and have gained mastery over that subject, eg. You are mastered the art of selling

“Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise to late.”

–         Benjamin Franklin.        

Lets is some points about the wisdom manufacturing process :

The wisdom manufacturing process has four steps:

  1. Data
  2. Information
  3. Knowledge- failure, failure, failure.
  4. Wisdom – success, success, success, success.

Step 1-Data:

This is the type of source we get the information about the object

Sources: books, audios, videos, friends, training programs, etc 95 % of data is forgotten within 24 hours, and 5% is gone in a week. (Eleven Commandments of Life Maximization)

We have to convert this data into information if we, not this data lost forever.

Step 2-Information :

The next step in the wisdom manufacturing process is to convert data into information.

As you acquire more and more data and convert it into information, you expire your current self and rise to the next level. Therefore, the decision to expire your current self and renew it begins here.

 Step 3-Knowledge:

After converting data into information, you need to persistently put this information into practice, and once this is done regularly. It becomes your knowledge.

Knowledge is the stage of implementation. When you practice what you have decided, you will fail miserably since your old self keeps fighting the new self while attempting to do something different.

You fail, fail, fail, fail, and fail continuously, but you still persist. You go back to your information to see where are you failing and how can you correct yourself. After correcting yourself several times, gradually the frequency of the failure starts reducing and you finally touch success for the first time. (Eleven Commandments of Life Maximization)

Step 4- wisdom:

After increasing your efforts, you may finally succeed in doing the new action correctly, but then the cycles of failure may start again. however, when failure turns into a repeated success, the size of the successful start becoming larger and more prominent and it is here that knowledge finally turns into wisdom.

At this step, you know what exactly needs to be done; what characteristics are required to win a difficult situation; how to treat someone who is a celebrated liar and transform him/her into a truthful person; and so on.

Read More

1) Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Summary

2) the Richest man in Babylon book summary

3) Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book summary

4) the 7 habits of highly effective people

5) The Intelligent Investor

6) Security analysis book summary

7) Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits book summary

8) One Up On Wall street book summary

Laxman Sonale

I am laxman sonale. I am founder of the value Investing website. I am doing Master in biotechnology. I also like to read best seller books and their summary, for this i create book summary website is so this is all about me.

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