Hello friends, in today’s article, we see the book summary of book Who will cry when you die. the book help you to manage yourself. so let’s begin the summary.

Unlock It book summary

Who will Cry When You Die:-

Who Will Cry When You Die

One of the best play writers in the world, George Bernard shaw was taking his last breath on his deathbed.

Then someone asked him, what you will do if you get one more chance to live your life. then he said by taking a deep breath. I would be the person I always wanted to be

But in living this run-of-the mill life it was never possible.

The author Robin Sharma wants this not be happen to us. so he wrote a book ” Who will cry when you die ” and today I will share something from this book, that will give you comfort in this hectic life one phrase in sanskrit.

When you were born then you were crying and others were celebrating happiness. but live your life like,

When you leave this world, then everyone else cried and you rejoice. this means, is live your life and do some work that you can leave this world happily.

And you don’t regret anything we are living in such a time where people are giving more Importance to many than the quality of life.

Today we can send humans to the moon, but we don’t have time to talk with our neighbour.

Today we have much technology to be connected but at the same time we have disconnedted from each other.

We have lost the humanity and way of living that are considered the most important.

You would have noticed. how dies time pass in a pinch?

Day passes in weeks the week passes in months and month passes in years but we don’t realise.

so today i will some principles, that i learned from this book.

that will help you in living a truly fulfilling life, by saving you from common regrets of this world.

1) Discover Your Calling:-Who Will Cry When You Die

Robin Sharma is a professional speaker. he goes to many places to give his talks. and everywhere he is asked the same question how do I know the meaning of life?

How can I do great work in the world. how can I enjoy my life? and robin sharma always answers only one thing.

Find your Ikigai

We all come into this world for some special purpose and to get achieve that purpose god has given us some special talents.

One story is Indian Mythology.” thousands year before, the people who used to live on the earth, were a god.

Who was very powerful and achieve, what they wanted.

But all started using their power in the wrong way.

So the supreme god seized their power and he decided to hide that power. then surpreme god advisor gave different types of suggestions.

One said, hide it deep inside the earth, then he replied, no by doing this, eventually someone will achieve it by digging deep.

Then another said, ok then, put in the depth of the sea. then he said, no someone will achieve it by taking a dip to the bottom of the sea.

The other advisor said, ok then keep it to the top of the mountains of the world. then he again said, no someone will achieve it by climbing the mountain than after thinking some time he decided. ( Who Will Cry When You Die)

He will keep that power inside the heart of every human. because this will be the place where no one will try to search for it. and that power will be safe there.

The purpose of this story is to teach you that all those capabilities are present inside you that it needed to be successful.

To unlock that power, you have to do a work that I’m going to tell you through a story.

Friends, a famous story in China. there was a Chinese sword sharpener with the king. his work so perfect that people got shocked by seeing his work.

There was the same perfection at the age of 90 years, and his work was magnificent.

Once the king asked him. is this your natural talent? or is there any technique behind this?

That sword maker replied, this is the wonder of concentration, my king.

I’m making swords, since I was 20 years old I don’t care about any other things.

i don’t see the things which are not swords and give attention.

Sharping sword is my aim and passion. i put my all energy in this direction only.

and this is the secret of my mastery. friends in the same way, all successful people in the world, concentrate on their work.

They drown in their work. this way their mind don’t go on other things.

when our purpose in life is not clear and priority is not set,

Then our attention starts wondering here and there, we start wasting our time on others work, by leaving the focus on our work.

the most important to focus on is to keep our objective clear. and before starting any work ask this question to yourself.

Will this help to complete the objectives, by spending time on this? or not.

you give your time and attention to the things that can make your life.

If you don’t set priorities in your work then what will happen, that I’m telling you by telling one more. ( Who Will Cry When You Die)

This story is like this, there was an oldman who used to light up the lighthouse. this lighthouse was very old. but due to this lighthouse, many ships complete their way without colliding with stones.

and this old man has a very limited amount of oil. by which lighthouse lights up so he used it very carefully.

One day, a neighbour come to him, and said I need oil to light up my room. so can you give me some oil. but that old man didn’t like to say ” no ”  so he give oil to that person, and one day a traveller come to him.

and he also asks for oil, to travel at night, then that old man also gave him oil. now next night, a mother come to him.

she said, ” I have to feed the family member in the light, so can you give me some oil?”

he again gave the oil.

now due to giving this much oil, that old man ran out of oil.

and due to which lighthouse light extinguished and the same night many ships collided with stones.

due to that, many people died and this mistake happened because that old man had started his focus on the other things.

he forgot his main work, due to which he and others paid a very high cost.

See, like the limited oil in this story, we also have a very limited amount of time.

so it is very important that we should set our priorities, and we should do the work first, which is the most important.

Many times it happens that, we lost in the things happening to us, and we forget our priorites.

We don’t do the main thing which is the most important to achieve our goal.

A powerful quote a norman cousins is tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside off us while we live.

Similarly, Ashley monthagu says, ” A person is lost when, he doesn’t understand, he can be what he wants and what has he become now and stopped.”

The author says every person has some strong and some weak points.

you have to make your strong point more strong by knowing your capabilities. Because these are the things that promote successful people.

Don’t wait for others to change conditions or things, take action yourself. mahatma Gandhi had told, ” be the change that you wish to see in the world ”

2) Everyday be kind to A stranger:-

American writer and philosopher, aldous Huxley at the last time of his life, he converted his whole life into 7 words and tells ” let us be kinder to one another ”

many people think, they will have to be great work to become successful in life. or they have to win a big battle. ( Who Will Cry When You Die )

By which their face comes to newspapers, T.V. and magazines. but nobody tells the truth, the real essence of lie is hidden in our daily small works.

That we have done with kindness. that made our life great by adding slowyly.

those who come into our life, all give you a chance to show your humanity.

Think how nice would the world look? if everybody would be kind to each other.

You can give something to the people near you through your kinhd behaviour.

if you bring a smile to only one person undboubtlelly, he is a stranger.

then that is your day. you can say hello to people near you.

see some creative methods to show your compassion to any stranger.

like, you can offer your seat to any needy people.

to live a truly fulfilling life, the most important thing is to live kindly with each other.

Because remember this, no person will be so sad on the death of a very big celebrite.

As much sad he would be to lose that person. who was kind to him, who brought a smile to his face with his kind behaviour.

kindness is the rent that we must pay for living in this world.

3) Maintain Your Perspective:-

You must have listened to this story but this is as powerful story that it must be repeated . once, two patience were sharing a hospital room together.

the first patients eyes have some temporary problems.

due to this, he can’t see anything, so he always lives, sad and angry.

and by seeing this, another patient who was on the bed nearer to the window become his friend by talking.

and always try to make him happy. to feel good to the first patient, he said, from now I will see outside the window, what is going on?

and I will tell you everything. don’t worry and he tells about the beautiful outside scenario to the first patient. ( Who Will Cry When You Die)

and something he tells, about the trees, ponds, and about the children playing near him. this way, mayu days and weeks passed. and finally when the first patients eye bond was about to open.

on the same morning, when the nurse came to check both patience.

then she got that, the patient nearer to the window has died due to a heart attack at night.\

The first patient was very sad to know this, but he was shocked when, he knew after opening his eye band, that here was no garden outside the windows,

but there’s only a wall of another building he asked to nurse. when was this wall built here?

Garden, pond and trees were visible from hers that my friends used to tell me.

then the nurse said, here was always a wall  here and your friend didn’t have eyes.

he used to lie to you. so that you can live happily.

and by doing this, he was happy. then the first patient sees us and says, thank you my friend for sharing your wonderful world.

We, humans have different types of perspective to see things.

If you take a child to the garden and point your finger at the moon.

then that child will see the moon.

but if you take your dog to the garden and point your finger, not the moon.

Becaus we have some different power to observe and feel things.

it is said that pain gets half by sharing but happy gets double by sharing.

and we should also live with the same perspective when we come home tired from college or the office.

then we treat our family very badly. we treat our friends in our office with a lot of fun and frolic.

But when we return home, then the family, to whom we love much, can’t able to behave properly.

And started giving orders by sitting on the chair,

Robin Sharma, says we should take 10 minutes break before giving to home.

By which we can maintain our stress by living alone sometimes.

At this time, we should think about what to talk with family after going home.

Remember, if you will treat well everybody then you become the person, that your family want to see you.

4) Recruit a Board of Directors:-

Almost all successful companies have a ” Board of Directors ”

that helps companies to take the right decision. and every brand members are expert in some area. and they all take the company in the right direction.

Robin Sharma says, he had a client, who had a different approach related to the ” Board of Directors ”

He believed that the ” Board of directors ” can also be in our individual life instead of only in the company. ( Who Will Cry When You Die)

When he had any problem, he used to go to some quiet place and sit.

and used to make a list of all problems and then he used to take the opinion of the world’s best people like steve jobs, Mahatma gandhi, and Bruce lee.

To solve those problems, when he had financial investment related issues, then he used to imagine, what would warren buffet do tho solve this problem.

and to know these things, he used to listen to warren buffett’s advice, and read books, and after getting the answer in some time, he used to close the meeting.

In the same way, when he had some problems related to self-discipline. then he used to invite bruce lee into this imagination. to solve this problems.

Similarly, we can also recruit a ” Board of Directors ”  at the individual level.

But the first step to solving any problem is to write it. (Who Will Cry When You Die)

American inventor, charles lettering believed,

the problems that are explained well that problems are half solved.

this means we should define all problems clearly on paper.

By which the confusion in our minds will become clear.

Bruce lee had said, ” When I write a half a dozen problems. ”

that answer me, two problems disappear just after writing.

and nothing can be done to two problems so there’s no point in thinking about it.

and I solve the last two problems.

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By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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