Hello friends, welcome to my blog. In this blog, we see the world-famous best seller author i.e. Roberts Kiyosaki books list. If you want to succeed in this fake world, then you should have to read these Robert Kiyosaki books, and see the real face of government as well as the educations system. so with excitement let’s start one by one books list.

Top Robert Kiyosaki Books:

show let’s start with the popularity of their books,  means maximum popularity book come first and less popularity book come last, that it does not mean that this popular show the quality of books, no that’s not happening. Whatever there are books, all the greats books, just people don’t try to market their others books, because, they are a little complex.

so let’s start,

1) Rich Dad Poor Dad:-Robert Kiyosaki Books

We all know this book is a life-changing book. In this book, the author explains how government, and the educational system corrupt, and why we stay poor, and why not we become rich.

If you read these books, then you know that this is the masterpiece books, to challenge our belief system, that is based on fake believe or false belief.

In this book, Robert Kiyosaki directly told, why rich people make money, and they don’t work for money.

some in these, the favorite lines is that

Savers are losers cash is trash

Rich people don’t work for money

so If you read this book, then you know the reality of government on dollar and money. (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

If you are not read this book, then definitely buy this book, from the following link, just click on the image of the book.

Robert Kiyosaki Books

2) CASHFlow Quadrant:-Robert Kiyosaki Books

In this book, Robert Kiyosaki, explains the different types of people who live in this world, come in only a single quadrant.

In this book, the author explains the Rich people and Poor people come from this quadrant.

these are poor people, they only think about safety, and specific knowledge means, they only come in the Left-hand side of the quadrant. And those are Rich people, they are doing the business, and other rich people, make the Investment.

so If you read this book, then only you understand the above sentences.

those are listening first, for them I tell,

Robert Kiyosaki explains in this book,

four types of people, are as follows

E- stand for Employment: in this come to those people, they are working for the money, or they trade the time to earn money. simple world, those are doing jobs, they all are the Employee, and they come in the Right-hand Side of the quadrant. (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

S- Stand For SelfEmployment: in this those people come, they are specialists in their work, like a doctor, lawyer, web designers, etc.

In this quadrant people, make the money, while helping people, in a small group, and these people, only make money, whey they work for other people, when these people stop working, then they don’t get any money.

B- Stand for Big Business: In this quadrant, those people come, they are doing business, and they have more than 500 employees and they help thousands of people or more up to millions of people. for example, Bill Gates, Micheal Dell, Jeff Bezos.

I- Stand for Investor: In this quadrant people, only make money, when investing in the other business, in this not come to retain investors, they don’t have million dollars. for example, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Mohnish Pabrai, etc

so the author also explains the main reason of staying rich i.e. tax, If you want to know how much people pay the tax in different quadrants then buy a book from the following image link. (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

Robert Kiyosaki Books

3) Guidance Investment:-Robert Kiyosaki Books

In this book the author explains, the Rich people game, i.e. Investing game.

These books, help you to start investing with basic knowledge, and behind their logic.

This book, give the 5 five of investor, and their characteristics

If you want to become an Investor, then which step you have to follow, full guidance, get in this book,

In this book, one student asks, Robert Kiyosaki is that,” in which investment the small investor should have invested.”

then author explains,  “don’t stay small, is the best investment.”

In my opinion, is the best books, do challenge our belief system on investing, and with the best discussion with knowledge, (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

If you want to read this book, then buy this from the following image link.

Robert Kiyosaki Books


In this book, the author explains, the first and last bencher mentality and their decision-making capacity.

Those are A students, they are clever, smart, and don’t make any mistakes in school, and always come first in class.

And those are C students, they are average cleaver, smart in life, and always make mistake in the class and never come first in the school. (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

so those are A-type students, they are clever, and smart also, but they are very afraid people, they want safety, and they don’t take any risk, that why they are very afraid to make mistakes.

in another side, those are C type student, they always, make the mistake, then they know the how to handle the fear, as well as the, learn from their mistake, and they always ready to take the risk, for freedom.

that is why A type students always work for C type students,

A typical student can become the top in the company like SEO of company, but those are the C type student they establish the company, like bill gates, Michael dell, etc

this c type of people, a dropout from the college and start the own company, and hired the thousand of thousands A type student, for examples, Mark Zukerberk.

If you are the A type student, then you have to take some quality of C type student, and become the businessman instead of an employee,

If you want to learn C type of student quality, they buy this book and become financially free, from the following image link.

Robert Kiyosaki Books5) Increase Your Financial IQ:

In this book, Rober Kiyosaki, explain the rich people and poor people regarding their financial IQ.

In this book, the author shows how rich people, teach their kids to become financial freedom and develop to become entrepreneurs. and poor people only teach their kids, to stay safe, and don’t take any risks, and play safely.

Those are poor people, they only play the safe game of money and those are rich people, they play the game of money to win. (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

in this book, the author explains the five steps of their life,

In this, the game of money starts from the start from third stage of life, i.e. from age of 25 to 45.

If you want to increase your financial IQ then buy these books, from the following image link.

Robert Kiyosaki Books

6) Conspiracy of the Rich: the 8 new rules of money

In this book, the author explains the whole conspiracy of the rich.

In this book, you knew, that you are living for that money or work and do a job for that money.

they are the fake, money or fiat currency, and they printed trillions of dollars.

and decrease the value of the Dollar. (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

In this book, you know that the real money is the Debt, and rich people, this knowledge that and they make the money from this.

These the 8 new rules of money are as follows,

New Rule of Money #1: Money Is Knowledge

New Rule of Money #2: Learn How to Use Debt

New Rule of Money #3: Learn to Control Cash Flow

New Rule of Money #4: Prepare for Bad Times and You Will Only Know
Good Times

New Rule of Money #5: The Need for Speed

new rule of money #6: is to Learn the language of money. (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

remain two rules, and above rules in debt you should in this book,

buy this book, from the following image link.

Robert Kiyosaki Books

7) Fake: Fake money, fake teacher, and fake asset:

In this book, the author explains, what is fake, and we think this is the real, but actually, while you see from the financial mirror knowledge then you know the this is the fake.

In this book, the author explains the fake teacher, fake asset, fake money

In fake teachers, include our school teacher, they don’t know about the money, and they are a teacher but they don’t teach us about money. that’s why the author tells, they are the fake teacher

In Fake Money, include today’s dollar, and all types of fiat currency. (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

In the fiat currency, they printed too much and that’s why they decrease the value of the dollar, and we lose the 50 to 60% value, so that’s why the author says, this is fake money.

In Fake Asset include, our home, banking people say, home is the asset, but actually, that home is not our asset that asset for the bank.

If you want to read more about them, then buy this book, from the following link, this link is the cheapest price, other than another website, just click on the image of the book.

8) The Business of 21st Century:

In this book, Robert Kiyosaki supports the Network Marketing business.

They show how it is a beautiful business without zero investment.

And also they show the whatever required our business skill or entrepreneur skill, all skill is developed in the Network Marketing company. (Robert Kiyosaki Books)

For example, the skill of selling, this is a rare skill, and you should start your own business, then you have to be this skill,

If you are in the selling business, then definitely you have to read this book,

following are the link, just click on the image link, and buy the book.

Robert Kiyosaki Books

so this is all about the Robert Kiyosaki Top books, that you should have to read for your Financial Freedom.

I am writing some top best seller books summary, their summary as follows

1) Rich Dad Poor Dad

2) the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

3) the 7 habits of effective people

4) the Richest man In Babylon

5) The Intelligent Investor

6) One Up On Wall Street

By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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