Hello friends, in today’s article we see the 7 habits of highly effective people book summary and try to learn that habit, they look step by step. This is not the book it is the workbook that develops a habit.
Habit is the intersection of knowledge skill and desire, knowledge is the what to do and the why. Skill is the how-to-do desire for us to motivate the want to do all three things come together in order to make a habit.
Book summary:-7 habits of highly effective people
- Be proactive
- Begin with the end in mind
- Put first things first
- Think win-win
- Seek first to understand then to be understood
- Synergize
- Sharpen the saw
1) Be proactive:-7 habits of highly effective people
in this habit, we have to control three things: what you think, what you say,& how you behave. To change our life. So in life, two things happen that we control they are as follows: 1) Circle of concern and 2) circle of Influence. (7 habits of highly effective people)
In the circle of concern: that things happen on that thing we can’t control and
In the circle of influence: in this that things happen we can control, for this both circle we have to be proactive and take the proper initiative and become proactive.
2) Begin with the end in mind:-7 habits of highly effective people
in this habit, we have to very clear in mind and vision our mission, as well as the end that mission to desire direction, by flexing proactive muscle to make things happen, for this purpose in the book give some steps:
Ø Checking your vision: first of all, we have the vision and clearly check that vision properly and to set that your goal and mission. (7 habits of highly effective people)
Ø Developing a personal mission statement: when we have the goal and mission make that in a proper format i.e. in a statement form, this statement motivate you and give energy in that statement to take action let evaluate this mission statement by following steps:
1) brainstorm
2)take a breath
3)gather your thought
4) write a rough draft
5) complete your mission statement
6) periodically review and evaluate.
Ø Roles and goals: we have to set the goal in two formats i.e. long-term goal 1 and long-term goal 2.
Ø Realizing your goals: for realizing your goal you have to develop the habit to ask following wh question: what, why, how and when so asking this question gives the proper format to your goal and easy to win you goal.
Ø Tell yourself how: to asking this question to get the path to your dream.
Ø Get it together: to fix the deadline you get what you want.
3) Put first things first:
when you have a goal and mission you have to set the priorities by putting the very most important task first then most important and the important by organizing step-wise with giving a proper timeline. (7 habits of highly effective people)
Ø The time matrix quick assessment: in this point author give the proper matrix to manage our time and develop habit three successfully.
Ø Purpose: sometimes you have the purpose but they take the most time and they are so longest that means you find yourself in that purpose so take the purpose and start the longest journey.
Ø Values: by asking the question you get the proper question in this book to set the first things first.
Ø Roles: so putting that in proper format you get the same role and you have to rule that role proper to achieve your goal.
Ø Priorities: schedule the priorities and start doing
Ø Trust: in that point in the journey you get the unknown people to trust them and develop the trust in yourself.
Ø Weekly planning: when scheduling priorities they make the weekly planning and start plan into action.
4) Think win-win:
this habit is a little difficult from my experience, you have to practice this habit to get the proper step by step guidelines: integrity, maturity, and abundance mentality
Develop the win-win paradigm: to develop the paradigm to get the proper knowledge about our activity and to develop the proper setup to become a good leader by thinking other people’s sides.
Changing places: by changing places you get the knowledge about the people and develop the win-win thinking in our mind to aching this we have to consider the following point:
Win-win cultivates an abundance mentality: we can find options that will be acceptable for everyone. There is always enough for everyone.
Win-lose cultivates a scarcity mentality: my way is the only acceptable way. There’s only so much, so I’d better get mine first. (7 habits of highly effective people)
A win-win approach: embodies courage to create an outcome that results in a win for you and for others. Etc
5) Seek first to understand then to be understood:
This habit is done by doing simple activity i.e. Listening
Listening includes Empathic listening this type of listening is getting in the book
Authors’ words,” if you really seek to understand, without a guide there will be times when you will be literally stunned with the pure knowledge & understanding that will flow to you from another human being.”
6) Synergize:
synergize means valuing differences to respect them, to build on strengths to compensate for weaknesses.
Improving results by valuing differences: to get this we have to follow these things
- Attack
- Tolerate
- Accept
- Value
- Celebrate
Breaking down the barriers: break the barriers that people get around you and by dividing them to giving the value differences. (7 habits of highly effective people)
Create the third alternative:
- Define the problem or opportunity
- Listen to the other person
- Share your views
- Brainstorm options together
- Find the best solution together.
7) Sharpen the saw:
this habit takes to time to develop and get the most valuable asset i.e. you. To develop this habit we have to consider the following four categories i.e.
- a)Physical
- b)Spiritual
- c)Mental
- d)Social emotion
By developing this habit you can get very successful in your business journey and also in life.
to buy a book 7 habits of highly effective people click on the image of the book.
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