Hello friends, in today’s article, we see a book summary of the book ” The Compound Effect”. This book helps you to understand, how the compound effect works in our life, and how some people get benefit from it, or some people lose from it.

so let’s understand this book to get success in life.

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Book summary:-The Compound Effect

The Compound Effect:- Book summary

This book shows the practical way to achieve your goals. the way is to make a plan and develop good habits and avoid bad habits and doing for a long time.

Probably you know that, Albert Einstein’s quote on the Compound effect

Albert Einstein Says, ” Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world, those who know it, earn it, those don’t know it pays it.”

so let’s understand with example

if someone gives you to option to read, this book

Option A:- You get 10 lakh rupees now, for reading this book

Option B:- You get 1 rupee today, and that 1 rupee double, in next day, for 30 days,

which option, do you choose.

So many people, who want quick money, choose option A.

there is nothing wrong with option A, because, our society or our environment helps us to do this type of mistake, because everyone wants, quick money. (The Compound Effect:- Book summary)

so let’s understand what if, you choose option B

Day 1-  You have 1 rupee

Day 10- You have 1024

Day 15- You have 32,768

Day 20- You have 10,48,576

Day 30- You have 1,07,37,41,179

so buying see this, you say, the second option is much better than the first one, because, this gives you the 1 crore rupees

our Human brain, develops like, to not think about the long term.

In our life, each and every area of life is on the compound effect.

your body fat is not a single day result, it’s compounded over a long term, to see that fats on the body.

Nowadays, people eat fast because cooking is difficult at home.

Some people, search for in 7-day weight loss plan and some people want quick promotion.

But we have to understand, that we are going fast towards our goal, which has some consensus.

If your goal is to be like I want to lose weight in 7 days, but this can’t happen. And we get upset. (The Compound Effect:- Book summary)

so in this, you have to take small steps because your daily small long-term practices become your success reason.

Let’s take Scott’s examples,

In a week if he wants to lose weight, he is not trying to make a plan like this, lose weight in 10 days,

Instead of this

he avoids fast food, and making food at home. and go daily for walks and listening self-improvement music.

In-office, he uses steps, in his office. After a few months,

he lost his weith

He become healthy and fit and he also got promoted

so by using this compound effect in life.

small steps, bring the big result in long term.

For success, you have to work consistently, and achieve goals with maintaining the discipline to go forward.

so if in your life, you don’t get quick results then do consistently and stay with discipline, and compound effect increase your life success.

So if in your life, you don’t get quick results then do consistently and stay with discipline and compound effect increase your life success.

So this book helps you to understand how to compound effects in life.

so let’s see what are the fundament of the compound effect.

1) Transform Your Goals Into Daily Habits:-The Compound Effect Book summary

Generously we don’t realize or not admit our small, daily decisions and choices shape our destiny in life.

and our life, only we are responsible for what we do or don’t do. so this small decision stops us to get successful. In some time you do dieting and in the middle of that you eat some fast food like burger, that whole diet plan, get disturbed. (The Compound Effect:- Book summary)

We have difficulty admitting that, I am not responsible for whatever takes action, a decision some people say is bad luck.

But there is no good luck or bad luck, all the choices that make you decide if you make poor choices result in bad luck.

so everyone gets lucky if he sees a great opportunity and spots the opportunity. for this, you have been clear about your goals and there with good motivation.

if your goal is well defined then your focus means, lesser focus. Then your brain sees the opportunity.

always remember the law of attraction. like, attract like.

When you think positively, then a positive thing happens to you. so write your goals in the book and how to complete that goal and what your behavior for that is, and your daily habits.

and these good habits, eliminate the list of bad habits. so You can make a list of the bad habits and when talking about the bad decision.

so you can stay with those people, they have goals.

so how you know, talking small decisions is the first step to go towards success.

So the question is how to maintain our daily habits for the long term.

Because our motivation finishes in one or two days and we come where you start.

to answer this question, you have to make a routine and use Momentum.

if you maintain your good behavior, that good behavior becomes a part of your life, and you react the same way.

By routine, you do the things, or good, at a time.

for example, without routine, you sleep at night, 1 or 2 am, and you can’t wake up early.

Once you make the routine, then you know, you have to sleep at 11 PM and wake up at 5 AM.

for this, you struggle for a few days, but you do it for 21 days, daily, then this becomes your habit, and your body adapts to this routine.

and Like this you follow healthy habits and behavior for the long term, they become your lifestyle and part of nature.

this called as power of Big Momentum.

let’s take another example, of habits, that use compounding for the long term to get an awesome result.

Micheal Phelps, ( swimmer)

He’s a coach, given training for 12 years, continuously, by this consistent practices, he owns the 8 Gold medals to maintain this healthy behavior, you have to adopt in your daily habit in life. (The Compound Effect:- Book summary)

For this you need a plan, and while making a plan be realistic. and don’t try to rush for your goals,

whatever the time, that thing takes, give them,

for this, Warren Buffett gives the awesome quote

Something, just take time, you can’t produce a baby in a month, by getting nine women pregnant.

Means, great things, take time, you can’t force them.

let’s understand with an example,

if you are busy and making a plan to go to the gym.. you can make every day- 2hours instead this you can make a plan to go to the gym thrice a week for 1 hour.

And follow this, when you adopt this, then building momentum time doesn’t matter. The matter is, you do continuous work for a long time.

2) Eliminate situations that cause you to stay away from your goals.

Like in today’s, News media spread negative effects on your thought and get add in mind.

instead of seeing this news, you can see the videos, that help you to improve your skills. and stay away from negative thoughts.

and you can see other people, that help you to achieve your life, and keep motivated.

Be aware, sometimes, you have to avoid negative thoughts and negative people so you can stay with people that give positive vibrations and your momentum stay forever.

3) Embrace Obstacles to Accelerate your path to Success:-

when you are doing your progress then you touch your limits. so question is, do you stop on the limit or do you break the wall of the limit and go forward.

do you know what Arnold Says, ” If you think in Gym, that you can’t weight life more, then you can use other muscles to support working muscles?”

By pushing this type, you become stronger in life. If you think, not more work, I can’t do, then push yourself to do more work/efforts and prepare to break your limits. (The Compound Effect:- Book summary)

if you want to go forward other than have to break your habit.

Lastly, summarize this book, let’s see the keys point.

  1. you are responsible for your success/failure in life.
  2. Adopt your daily habits, stay disciplined
  3. Leave the comfort zone, and push your limit. so any result expectation is not even possible or sustainable
  4. Make small steps toward your success.

hey, guys, if you want to read more about him, you can buy this book, from the following link,

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By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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