Hello, friends, in today’s, article we see the Santosh Nair motivational speech on the commandment of life i.e. commandment 4 and commandment 5. so let’s start with commandment 4.
Previous Chapter or commandments
Commandments 4 and 5:-
so let’s see one by one
Commandment -4: Be autonomous declare your constitution today (Santosh Nair motivational speech)
so life maximization has some constitution and life is an unpredictable game.
our life our rule
so you have made the autonomous rules that define your attitude about achieving goals
doing this that no one else requires guts, self-belief, and autonomy of thought and actions. Your autonomous behaviour helps the world around you maximize.
Respectful fear, a product of being autonomous, exploits the talent in and around you- makes people do what they believed is not possible. (santosh nair motivational speech)
So lastly your life is your rule and live in that rule to think abnormal.
Commandment-5: Declare that every resource around you will be maximized (santosh nair motivational speech)
“The beauty of life maximization is that it helps you explore the unexplored inner self of all humans around you”
We live in the technical world; a world where discoveries are being made constantly.
So in this world, we have to declare that every resource around you will be maximized.
For this we have to make our mindset to develop our life maximizes:
- People are illogical unreasonable and self-centred; love them anyway.
- If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives; do good anyway.
- If you are more successful than many of your close friends, you will win false friends and true enemies; don’t feel bad, succeed anyway. (Santosh Nair motivational speech)
- The good that you do today, will be forgotten tomorrow, do good anyway.
- Honesty and openness make you vulnerable and people take advantage of you; Be honest anyway.
- The biggest man with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest man with the smallest mind; think big anyway.
- People favour underdogs but follow only top dogs; fight for a few underdogs anyway.
- What you spend years building, may be destroyed overnight; build anyway.
- People really need help, but may attack you if you help them; help them anyway.
- Give the world the best you have and they will kick you in the teeth; give the world the best that you have anyway. (Santosh Nair motivational speech)
this rule helps you to life maximize and show a humble attitude and be honest to the people
The author also gives the 3 A’s rules as follow:
Accept: accept the people whatever its behaviour and accept its also attitude and give them acceptance with unconditional. (Santosh Nair motivational speech)
Adjust: adjust with people with its attitude and every person are the special one so that they feel it is the importance to him.
Appreciate: appreciate people for doing the good work and not tell them it’s your work are very less as compare to other work appreciate the good one so Bring out the best between the people – by warren buffet told about to appreciate people
This is all about commandment-5: Declare that every resource around you will be maximized.
so this is all about the commandments 4 and 5 from the eleven commandments of life Maximization book.
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3. the 7 habits of highly effective people
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