Hello friends, in today’s article, we see the Essentialism book summary. In this book, you will learn which part of life we should focus on to get more productive.

Unscripted Life Book Summary

Essentialism Book:-

Essentialism Book Summary

Like, doing office work at the office. don’t bring it at home. Because if your children are not allowed in the office. Then office work should also not be allowed at the home.

Warren Buffett is known as the king of the world of investing. He ignores 99% of opportunities out of 100 because he believes this is te only difference between successful and normal people.

Normal people say ” yes ” to everything while successful people ignore almost everything.

If you think, you get very less time to complete your work by which you get confused and don’t achieve much.

This article is for you.

Today, great companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Adobe consulting author

Greg Mckeown’s Book ” Essentialism “, I will tell you some things. Those are used in day-to-day life by many game-changer people of the world. ( Essentialism Book Summary )

and they get more output by using this technique from Greg Mckeown’s Book ” Essentialism ”

1) Become an Editor of Your Own Life:-Essentialism Book Summary

The Blockbuster movies that become Oscar winners are edited before release.

The audience can understand the story well so the editor removes all those unnecessary things that are not much important.

Today’s busy lifestyle has become a status symbol for people. Because they had listened from somewhere, to achieve something in life.

Hard Work is necessary, they think the busyness as hard work. And they put all the offers, projects and opportunities in their overflowing To-Do list.

Do not get me wrong hard work is important, but doing hard work in te wrong direction is a waste of energy and waste of time.

for example, A person running 1 km in all directions from one point means they ran 4 km.
But he would go only 1 km far from his starting point.

While, if another person runs 4 km from one point in one direction. then that person would go 4 km from his starting point in that direction.

In both cases, the input was the same but the output was a huge difference. so what you avoid is as much important as what you choose. ( Essentialism Book Summary )

Getting busy always does not mean that you are working productively. If you think deeply.

Then you will know. most of your works are not as important as you believe.

You would have listened about the ” Pareto Principle ”

80% results of your work come from 20% effort, and the other 20% of the result comes from the rest 80% effort.

by getting busy always most people focus on that 80% effort. that will give only a 20% result.

by which, no matter how hard they work, they don’t achieve desired results and they leave that work no doubt, people do hard work.

But the here’s result will get by working on the right things, not everything.

that you would have seen that lift in the building come up by pressing the right button.

Not by pressing all buttons so it will be very important to identify.

What are those 20% efforts that will give 80% results

You must know ” Essentialism ” to identify those 20% efforts.

Now you will say ” What is essentialism?”

Essentialism is a systematic Discipline, that teaches, where to use your time and energy to achieve the highest possible level.

first, you should be understood, you do business with your time and energy every moment.

When you say, ” yes ” to anything, then unknowingly, you say ” no ” to all other things.

For example, if your friend calls you to walk or to watch a movie, and if you say ” yes ”

At the same time, you say, ” No” to your important work. ( Essentialism Book Summary )

If you can’t choose where your time and energy should use. then someone other will choose for you.

Like your boss etc. obviously, we don’t want that. so the second thing I learn from essentialism.

2) Learn to say ” No ” Gracefully:-

Art Designer Paul Rand, Who had Designed the logo of IBM, Enron, Westing house, ABC

but he refused to make logos for steve jobs because steve jobs wanted some variant of the logo from paul for his company next paul said he won’t make the variant he will make only one logo on his ideas and according to the requirement of steve jobs.

He also told steve jobs that. if he wants the option then he should go to some other designer.

But later paul made only one logo according to the requirements of steve Jobs that steve jobs liked and steve jobs admitted that Paul was the most professional person among al the people with those he had worked.

It was a great life experience by working with him. the real lesson in this story is. When he said, no to steve jobs, then for some moment he become unpopular in mind steve jobs.,

but after a long time, he got respect from steve jobs, and apple also launched a poster of paul rands ” think different ”

Many times this had happened to you that you want to say ” no” to any person.

but only to please that person you would have said yes.

and later you would regret it. if you would tell ‘ no ‘ then it will be better.

Sometimes it can be difficult to say ” No ” to people. Because you think that it could host your relationship.

but if you want to become effective then you have to learn this. ( Essentialism Book Summary )

You can use any of these 3 techniques to say ” No” gracefully to people.

No doubt, you will be unpopular for some time by saying no.

but in a long time, it will be great, you have to remember that you are rejecting the request of that person, not the person.

So the technique is

  1. “Awkward Pause ”  means, taking a pause for 5 seconds before answering and then telling. by which you will get rid of any depressing commitment later.
  2. the second is ” Artificial Delay “:- if you are not 100% sure to say ” yes ”  to any person’s request. then you can use this technique to say to the person in front of you ” money of my important tasks is left.”

so right now, I can’t promise anything but I will let you know after checking the schedule.

by which, you will be able to think something about that request. that request is essential for you or not

3. Suggest someone else:- it will be easy to use if someone offers you. in which you are not interested even a little bit.

but you think some other person will be interested in that work genuinely.

then suggest to that person, of course, you don’t have to say ‘ no’ to everyone you have to say ‘no’ to those requests which are non-essential for you.

By which you can say ” yes ” to the thing that matters the most in your life.

As you work on your essential things, you will move forward in your field. then you will get many opportunities and many people would like to work with you.

these are good things. if you don’t define ” essential ” and non-essential opportunities. then this success can become the reason for your failure which is called the paradox of Success.

3) Set boundaries:-

Why setting boundaries is so important? that I will tell you the concept of the ” Sunk-Cost Fallacy ”

If you know you have suffered a loss but still, don’t accept it and do your second loss too.

then that is called the ” sunk-cost Fallacy ” for example, you bought a movie ticket for Rs. 3oo.

But later many people tell you that movie is very boring. but you think if I bought Rs. 300 tickets then let me see the whole movie.

but you don’t know you have done your double loss by taking this decision.

means your money won’t come back but to recover that amount. you will also waste your time. that will cause another loss.

you will escape from this ” sunk-cost fallacy ” when you will accept that you had done some mistake. and you will stop there. because some things are more valuable than all other things.

so, it is very important to set boundaries in life. like, do your office. don’t bring it at home, because if your children are not allowed in the office then office work should also not be allowed at the home.

Essentialists live far from the distraction and toxic people.

by which they can decide,m which work is essential and which is not.

The decision word basically comes from Latin which means” to cut ”

When you take a decision and then choose one reason, you cut out all other reasons.

by which you can choose, the reason which is the most essential in your life.

Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs and many great personalities in the world live essential life.

In the end, from Greg Mckeown’s book ” Essentialism ”

lets summaries

  1. the importance of everything is not the same in our life. so remove unimportant things from your work by becoming an editor yourself, by which you can get more time for important things. because stunning results come by working on good things, not all things.
  2. learn to say ” No ” sometimes to other people by which you can say ” yes ” to those people who matter the most in your life and the last point.
  3. Make a boundary by building ethics in your work life.

that keeps you far from toxic people, distractions and non-essential things. so by following these 3 principles.

You will see those 20% efforts easily that will give you 80% results in your life and work.

so that, working on that 20% effect means working less. you will achieve more results.

These are all things I have learned from Greg McKeown’s book essentialism.

Read More Books summaries

  1.  The psychology of Money
  2. Rich Dad Poor Dad
  3. One Up On Wall Street
  4. The compounding Effect

By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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