Hello friends, In today’s article we see wealth file #10 Rich People are Excellent Receivers from the book ” the secret of the Millionaire Mind” book. This wealth file helps you to understand your potential in earning money. So let’s start
Wealth File #10:-Rich People are Excellent Receivers
Rich People are Excellent Receivers
Poor People are poor Receivers.
At the start, the author says, ” if I had to nail down the number one reason most people do not reach their full financial potential, it would be this; Most people are Poor “Receivers”. they may or may not be good at giving, but they are definitely bad at receiving. And because they are poor at receiving they don’t.”
then the author explains, how people are challenged by receiving.
the author says, ” People are challenged by receiving for several reasons. First, many people feel unworthy or undeserving. This syndrome runs rampant in our society. I would guess that over 90 percent of individuals have feelings of not being good enough running through their veins. (Rich People are Excellent Receivers)
Where does this low self-esteem come from? the usual- our conditioning. For most of us, it comes from hearing twenty has for every yes, ten ” you’re doing it right, ” and Five ” You’re stupid,” for every ” you’re awesome”
Then the author explains, why we think like that,
the author says, ” In addition, most of us grew up with the element of Punishment in our lives. This unwritten rule simply states that if you do something wrong, you will or should be punished some of us were punished by our parents, some by our teachers… and some of us in certain religious circles were threatened with the mother of all punishment, not getting into heaven.
Of course, now that we’re adults all this is over. Right?
Wrong! For most people, the conditioning of punishment is so ingrained that, because there’s no one around to punish them, they make a mistake or just aren’t perfect. they subconsciously punish themselves. when they were young, this punishment might have come in the form of ” you have bad so no candy.” Today however it Could take the form of ” you were bad, so no Money.”
Then T Harv Eker ( the author ) explains why people limit their earnings and why others will subconsciously sabotage their success.
the author says, ” No wonder people have difficulty receiving one tiny mistake and you’re doomed to carry the burden of misery and poverty for the rest of your life. ” A little Hossh, ” You say? since when did the mind become logical or compassionate? Again the conditioned mind is a file folder filled with past programming made-up meanings, and stories of drama and disaster making sense” is not its strong suit. (Rich People are Excellent Receivers)
here’s something I teach in my seminars that might make you feel better. In the end, it doesn’t matter whether you feel worthy or not, you can be rich either way. plenty of wealthy people doesn’t feel overly worthy.
In fact, it’s one of the major motivations for people to get rich. to prove themselves and their worth to themselves to others. The idea that self-worth is necessary for net worth is just that an idea, but it doesn’t necessarily hold water in the real world. As we said earlier, getting rich to prove yourself may not make you the happiest camper, so you’re better off creating wealth for other seasons. but what’s important, here is for you to realize that your feeling of unworthiness won’t prevent you from getting rich. from a strictly financial point of view, this could actually be a motivational asset.”
then the author gives us, what they get in their life,
the author says, ” Recognise that whether you are worthy or not is all a made-up story. Again nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it. I don’t know about you. But live never heard of anybody who went through the “Stamping” lineup at birth, Can you imagine God Stamping each person’s forehead as he or she comes through. ” Worthy… Unworthy…. worthy…Unworthy. yuck… Definitely unworthy. (Rich People are Excellent Receivers)
Sorry, I don’t think it works that way. there’s no one who comes around and stories you ” worthy” or ” Unworthy”. you do that you make it up, You decide it. you and you alone determine if you’re going to be worthy. It’s simply your perspective. If you say you’re not worthy, you’re not. Either way, you will live into your story.
So Why would people do this to themselves why would people make up the story that they’re not worthy? It’s just the nature of the human mind, the protective part of us that’s always looking for what’s wrong. Ever notice that a squirrel doesn’t worry about these things. can you imagine a squirrel saying ” I’m not going to collect many nuts this year to prepare for winter because I’m not worthy? Doubtful, because these low-intelligent creatures would never do that to themselves.
Only the most evolved creatures on the planet, the human being has the ability to limit themselves like this. One of my own sayings is ” If a hundred-foot Oak Tree had the mind of a human. it would only grow to be ten feet tall!”
After this, the author gives us the suggestion for the above thinking of human mind
author says, ” Since it’s a lot easier to change your story than your worthiness, instead of worrying about changing your worthiness, change your story, It’s a lot faster and cheaper. simply make up a new and much more supportive story and live into that. ” Oh but I couldn’t do that,” you say, ” I’m not qualified to decide that I’m worth that has to come from someone else.”
Sorry, I say, that’s not quite accurate which is a nice way of saying ” Bullpoo”. It wouldn’t make a difference what anyone says or said in the past, because you have to believe it and buy into it for it to have any effect and that can’t come from anyone else but you. but just to make you feel better let’s play the game and I’ll do for you what I do for thousands of participants of the millionaire mind-intensive seminar. I will personally anoint you.”
then the author explains the second major reason most people have a problem with receiving.
the author says, ” They have bought into the adage ” it’s better to give than to receive.” Let me put this as elegantly as possible. ” What a crock!” that statement is total hogwash, and in case you haven’t noticed it’s usually propagated by people and groups who want you to give and them to receive. (Rich People are Excellent Receivers)
The whole idea is ludicrous. what’s better hot or cold, Big or small left or right, in or out? giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. Whoever decided, that it is better to give than to receive was simply bad at math.
For every giver, there must be a receiver and for every receiver, there must be a giver. think about it! how could you give if there weren’t someone or something there to receive? both have to be in perfect balance to work one to one fifty-fifty. and since giving and receiving most always equal each other. they must also be equal in importance.
Besides, how does it feel to give? Most of us would agree that giving feels wonderful and fulfilling. Conversely, how does it feel when you want to give and the other person isn’t willing to receive? most of us would agree that it feels terrible.
So Know this:- If you are not willing to receive then you are “ripping off” those who want to give to you. you actually deny them the joy and pleasure that comes from giving and when you want to give but can’t, that energy can not be expressed and gets stuck in you. That ” stuck” energy then turns into negative emotions. To make matters worse, when you are not willing to fully receive, you are training the universe not to give to you! It’s simple.
If you aren’t willing to receive your share it will go to someone else who is. That’s one of the reasons the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Not because they’re any more worthy but because they are willing to receive while most poor people are not.”
then the author explains rich people and poor people’s differences regarding receiving.
the author says, ” Rich people work hard and believe it’s perfectly appropriate to be well rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide for others. (Rich People are Excellent Receivers)
poor people work hard, but due to their feeling of unworthiness, they believe. that it is inappropriate for them to be well rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide this belief sets them up, to be perfect victims, and of course how can you be a ” good” victim if you are well rewarded?
Many Poor people actually believe they are better people because they are poor. somehow they believe they’re more pious or spiritual or good. Baloney! the only thing poor people are is poor.”
then the author gives his experience in events.
the author says, ” I had a gentleman at the course come to me in tears. He said, ” I just don’t see how I could feel good about having a lot of money when others have so little.” I asked him a few simple questions: ” What good do you do for poor people by being one of them? To whom do you help by being broke? Aren’t you just another mouth to feed? Wouldn’t it be more effective for you to create wealth for yourself than be able to really help others from a place of strength instead of weakness?”
he stopped crying and said, ” For the first time, I got it, I can’t believe what garbage I’ve been thinking. Harve I believe the time has come for me to get rich and, along the way help others. thank you.” He went back to his seat a new man.
I got an email from him not long ago telling me he’s making ten times what he used to earn and that he is feeling awesome about it. Best of all, he says it feels tremendous to be able to assist some of his friends and family who are still struggling.”
then the author gives an important point from his experience.
the author says, ” this leads me to an important point:- if you have the wherewithal to have a lot of money, have it. Why? Because the truth is that we are extremely fortunate to be living in this society, a society whereby each person is in fact rich compared to many other parts of the world. (Rich People are Excellent Receivers)
Some people just don’t even have the opportunity to have a lot of money. If you are one of the lucky people who do have that ability and each of you is or you wouldn’t be reading a book like this. then use your wherewithal for all it’s worth. Get really rich and then help people who don’t have the opportunity you did. that makes a lot more sense to me than being broke and helping no one.”
then the author gives some people’s thoughts on the rich.
the author says, ” Of course, there are the people who will say, ” money will change me if I get rich, I might turn into some kind of a greedy jerk..” First, the only people who say that are poor people. it’s just another justification for their failure, and it comes from just another one of the many ” inner ” weeds in their financial garden. don’t buy it!
Second, let me set the record straight. money will only make you more of what you already are.
If you are a man, money will afford you the opportunity to be meaner. If you’re kind money will afford you the opportunity to be kinder. if you’re a jerk at heart, with money you can be jerkier. If you’re generous more money will simply allow you to be more generous and anyone who tells you differently is broke!
then the author gives the way to become a better receiver
the author says, ” First begin to nurture yourself. remember, people are creatures of habit, and therefore you will have to consciously practice receiving the best life has to offer. one of the key elements in the money management system is we teach, in the millionaire mind seminar is having a ” play ” account where you get to blow a designated amount of money on things that nurture you and allow you to feel like a million” the idea of this account is to help you validate your worthiness and strengthen you’re ” Receiving muscle ” (Rich People are Excellent Receivers)
Second, I want you to practice going crazy with excitement and gratitude anytime you find or receive any money. It’s funny when I was broke and I saw a penny on the ground, I would never stop so low as to pick up anything that even looks like money, then I give it a kiss for good luck and declare out loud, ” I am a money magnet thank you, thank you, thank you”
I don’t stand there judging the denomination money is money and finding money is a blessing from the universe. Now that I’m fully willing to receive is absolutely critical if you want to keep it. If you are a poor receiver and you somehow fall into a substantial amount of money, chances are it’ll be gone quickly.
Again ” first the inner than the outer.” First, expand your receiving ” box” then watch as the money comes in to fill it. Again, the universe abhors a vacuum. In other words, an empty space will always be filled. have you ever noticed what happens with an empty closet or garage? it usually doesn’t stay empty for long, does it? How do you also notice how range I am that the time taken for any task will always be equal to the time given? once you expand your capacity to receive, you will.
Also once you become fully open to receiving the rest of your life will open up. Not only will you receive more money. but you’ll also receive more love, more people, more happiness, and more fulfillment. Why? Because of another principle I constantly use ha states, ” How you do anything is how you do everything.”
If you’re a poor receiver you’re a poor receiver in all areas. The good news is that when you become an excellent receiver. you’ll be an excellent receiver everywhere, and open to receiving all that the universe has to offer in all areas of your life.
Now the only thing you’ll have o remember is to keep saying ” thank you” as you receive all of your blessings.
After this the author give the millionaire mind activity, you can read this activity in book,
Buy book from the following link
So this is all about the wealth file #10 from the book ” the secrets of the millionaire mind book”
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