Hello friends, in today’s, article we see wealth file #6 from the book ” The secrets of the millionaire mind “. In this wealth file, rich people admire other rich and successful people, Poor people resent rich and successful people. so T Harv Eker gives the best difference and also gives awesome examples.

Previous Wealth file #5

Wealth file #6:-Rich People Admire other rich and successful people

Rich People Admire other rich and successful people

Rich people admire other Rich and Successful people

Poor people resent rich and successful people.

In this wealth file, the author explains, how to learn from rich people and admire them. if we don’t do that then there is always the simple answer is you can’t be rich. so the author explains what happens we don’t admire them and if we admire what happens, let’ see one by one.

the author says, ” Poor people often look at other people’s success with resentment, jealousy, and envy, or they snip, ” they’re so lucky”, or whisper under their breath, “those are rich people are jerks.” (Rich People Admire other rich and successful people)

You have to realize that if you view rich people as bad in your way, shape, or form, and you want to be a good person, then you can never be rich. it’s impossible. how can you be something you despise!

It’s amazing to witness the resentment and even outright anger that many poor people have toward the rich. as if they believe that rich people make them poor. ” yup, that’s right, rich people took all the money so there’s none left for me. ” of course, this is perfect victim talk.

then the author tells us a story, that happens in his life ( experience story) when they are poor as well as rich

The author says, ” I want to tell you a story, not to complain but simply to relate a real-world experience I had with this principle. In the Old days, when I was, let’s say, financially challenged, I used to drive a clunker. changing lanes in traffic was never a problem

Almost everybody would let me in but when I got rich and bought a gorgeous, new, black Jaguar, I couldn’t help but notice how things changed. All of a sudden I started getting cut off and sometimes given the finger for added measure. I even got things thrown at me, all for one reason; I drove a jag.

One day, I was driving through a lower-end neighborhood in San Diego, delivering turkeys for a charity at Christmas time.

I had the sunroof open and I noticed four grimy guys perched in the back of the pickup truck, behind me. Out of nowhere, they started playing basketball with my car, by attempting to shoot beer cans into my open sunroof fire dents and several deep scratches later they passed me screaming, ” You rich bastard!”

after this incident, the author understands the reason behind this incident, then the author tells us

the author says,” Of course, I figured this to be an isolated incident, until just two weeks later, in a different lower-end neighborhood, I parked my car on the street and returned to it less than ten minutes later, to discover that the entire side of my car had been keyed. (Rich People Admire other rich and successful people)

the next time I went to that area of town I rented a food Escort, and amazing, I didn’t have a single problem. I’m not implying that poorer neighborhoods have bad people, but in my experience, they sure seem to have plenty of folks who resent the rich. who knows maybe it’s some kind of children and egg things. Is it because they’re broke and they resent the rich, or because, they resent rich people that they’re broke. As far as I’m concerned who cares? it’s all the same, they’re still poor!”

after this story, the author explains why poor people do this,

the author says, ” It’s easy to talk about not resenting the rich, but depending on your mood, falling into the trap can happen to anyone, even me.

recently I was eating dinner in my hotel room, about an hour before going on stage to teach an evening session of the millionaire mind seminar. I turned on the tube to check the sports scores and found that Oprah was on T.V.. although I’m not a big fan of television, I love Oprah. that women have affected more people in a positive way than almost anyone else on the planet and consequently she deserves every penny she’s got and more….!

Meanwhile, she’s interviewing actress Halle Berry, they’re discussing how Halle has just received one of the largest film contracts in history for a female actor- $30 million. Halle then says, that she doesn’t care about the money and that she fought for this humongous contract to blaze a trail for other women to follow. I heard myself say skeptically, ” yeah, right! do you think I and everyone else watching this how is an idiot? you should take a hunk of that dough and give your public relations agent a raise that’s the best should bite writing I’ve ever heard

I felt the negativity welling up inside me, and just in the nick of time I caught myself before the energy took me over. ” cancel, cancel, thank you for sharing,” I yelled out loud to my mind, to drown out what voice of resentment. (Rich People Admire other rich and successful people)

I couldn’t believe it. here I was, Mr. millionaire mind himself, actually resenting Halle Berry for the money she made, I quickly turned it around and began screaming at the top of my lungs, ” Way to go, girl! you rock! you let me off too cheap you should’ve gotten, thirty million dollars! good for you. you’re incredible and you deserve it, ” I felt a lot better. after this author explains what’s the above in above resentment.”

so in the above paragraph, the author gives awesome examples, in our life also we work very hard and everyone poor people work hard, and they only see the brightness of rich from outside, they don’t know how much they work hard to get that much richness, so this is not the poor people fault, it’s the fault of poor thinking, whenever the author says, poor people means poor thinking.

then author explains more in detail,

the author says, ” regardless of her reason for wanting all that money, the problem wasn’t her it was me. remember, my opinions make no difference to my happiness and wealth. also remember that thoughts and opinions aren’t good or bad, right or wrong, as they enter your mind, but they can sure, be empowering or disempowering to your happiness and success, as they enter your life.

the moment I felt that negative energy runs through me, my ” Observation ” alarms went off, and as I’ve trained myself to do, I immediately neutralized the negative in my mind, you don’t have to be perfect to get rich, but you do need to recognize when your thinking isn’t empowering to yourself or others, then quickly refocus on more supportive thoughts, the more you study this book, the faster and easier this process will be and if you attend the millionaire mind intensive seminar, you will dramatically accelerate your progress. (Rich People Admire other rich and successful people)

After this, the author gives the story from the outstanding book, “the one minute Millionaire”

for reading this story, you can buy this book, ” the secret of the millionaire mind ”

after this story passage ( from the one-minute millionaire book by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen )

the author says ” Canwell’s passage makes several excellent points, the first refers to the ability to be trusted. of all the attributes necessary for getting rich, having others trust you have to be near the top of the list. think about it, would you do business with a person you didn’t trust at least to some extent? the answer is No way; meaning that to get rich, there’s a good chance many, many people must trust you, and there’s a good chance that for that many people to trust you have to be quite trustworthy.

what other traits, does a person need to get rich and, even more importantly, stay rich? the answer is no doubt there are always exceptions to any rule but for the most part, who do you have to succeed at anything? try some of these characteristics, on for size; positive, reliable, focused, determined, persistent, hardworking, energetics good with people, a competent communicator semi-intelligent, and an expert in at least one area.”

after this, the author also says, ” Another interesting element in Conwell’s passage is that so many people have been conditioned to believe that you can’t be rich and a good person or rich and spiritual. I too used to think this way, like many of us, I was told by friends, teachers, media, and the rest of society that rich people were somehow bad, that they were all greedy. once again another way of thinking that ended up being pure crapola! backed by my own real-world experience, rather than an old, fear-based myth, I have found that the richest people, I know are also the nicest.” (Rich People Admire other rich and successful people)

after this, the author gives their own experience of nicest people,

the author says, ” when I moved to San Diego, we moved into a home in one of the richest parts of town. we loved the beauty of the home and the area but I had some trepidation because I didn’t know anyone and felt I didn’t yet fit in. my plan was to stay low-key and not mix much with these rich snobs, As the universe would have it, however, my kids who ere five and seven years old at the time, made friends with the other kids in the neighborhood, and pretty soon I was driving them to these mansions to drop them off to play. I remember knocking on a stunningly carved wooden door that was at least twenty feet high. the mom opened it up and with the friendliest voice I’d ever heard said, “Harv it’s so great to meet you, come on in ” I was a bit bewildered as she poured me some iced tea and got me a bowl of fruit, ” what’s the catch?

My skeptical mind kept wanting to know, then her husband come in from playing with his kids, in the pool. he was ever friendlier; ” Harve we were so happy to have you in the neighborhood, you have to come to our BBQ tonight with the rest of your family. we’ll introduce you to everybody, and we are not taking no for answer. by the way do you golf? I’m playing tomorrow, at the club, why don’t you come as my guest.” by now I was in shock. what happened to the snobs I was sure I was going to meet? I left and went back home to tell my wife, we were going to the BBQ.

” Oh, my, ” she said, ” what will I wear?” ” no honey you don’t understand.” I said ” these people are incredibly nice and totally informal, just be who you are, ”

we went and that evening met some of the warmest, kindest, most generous, most loving people of our lives. At one point the conversation shifted to a charity drive that one of the guests was heading up. One after another the checkbooks come out, I couldn’t believe it, I was actually watching a lineup to give this women money. But each check come with a catch, the agreement was that there would be reciprocity and that the women would support the charity the donor was involved in that’ right, to every person there either headed up or was a major player in a charity.

Our friends, who had invited us were involved in several. In fact each year, they made it their goal to be the single largest donor in the entire city to the children’s hospital fund. they not only gave tens of thousands of dollars themselves but every year they organized a dinner gala that raised hundreds of thousands more.

Then there was the ‘ vein ‘ doctor, we become quite close with his family too. he was among the top varicose vein doctors in the world of making a fortune; somewhen in the range of $5,000 to $10,000 per surgery, doing four or five surgeries per day. (Rich People Admire other rich and successful people)

I bring him up because every Tuesday was a ” face ” day when he would be surgery on people in the city who couldn’t afford to pay. on this day he would work from 6 am to 10:00 Pm. doing as many as ten surgeries, all for free. on top of this, he headed his own organizations whose mission was to get other doctors to do free days for people in their communities too.

Needless to say, My old, conditioned belief that rich people were greedy snobs dissipated in the light of reality. Now I know the opposite to be true. In my experience, the richest people I know are the nicest people I know, they are also the most generous, not to say that people who aren’t nice or generous, but I can safely say the idea that all rich people are somehow bad, is nothing more than ignorance.

the fact is resenting the rich is one of the surest ways to stay broke. we are creatures of habit, and to overcome this or any other habit, we need to practice. Instead of resenting rich people, I want you to practice admiring rich people, i want you to practice blessing rich people, and I want you to practice loving rich people that way unconsciously you know that when you become rich, other people will admire you, bless you, and love you instead of resenting the heck out of you the way you might do them now.

One of the philosophies I live by comes from ancient Huna wisdom the original teaching of the Hawaiian elders; it goes like this; bless that which you want. If you see a person with a beautiful home, bless that person and bless that home. if you see a person with a beautiful car, bless that car, if you see a person with a loving family, bless that person and that family. If you see a person with a beautiful body, bless that person and bless their body.

Wealth principle:- ” Bless that which you want. ” Huna Philosophy

” the point is, if you resent what people have, in any way, shape, or farm, you can never have it. Regardless if you see a person in a gorgeous block jaguar with the sunroof open, don’t throw beer cans at it! (Rich People Admire other rich and successful people)

after this, the author gives them some activity in form of Declaration and millionaire mind action

for this activity you can order this book, and do this activity and it really works.

so this is all about the wealth file #6 from the book ” the secrets of the millionaire mind ”

Related blog:-

1) rich dad Poor Dad

2) the richest man in Babylon

3) 11 commandment of life maximization

4) the 7 habits of a highly successful person

5) Rich people mindset

By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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