Hello friends, in today’s article, we see chapter 4 of the secrets of the millionaire mind book, In this chapter author explains wealth file #4, in this wealth file, the author gives the rich people mindset and poor people mindset.

Previous Chapter 3

Wealth File #4:-rich people mindset

rich people mindset

Rich people think big.

Poor people think small.

In this, wealth file, the author said

the author says, ” we once have a trainer teaching at one of our seminars who went from a net worth of $250,000 to cover $600 million in only three years, when asked his secrets, he said, ‘ Everything changed the moment, I began to think big.”

so this is the power of thinking big, I know a lot of people are not convinced about this wealth file, for them, the author gives the following explanation.

Then author, feres us, the law of income

the author says, ” Which states ‘ you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the marketplace.” (rich people mindset)

Wealth principle: The Law of Income: you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the marketplace.

after this, the author gives four factors to determine your value, in the marketplace.

then the author says, ” 1) Supply 2) Demand 3) Quality 4) Quantity ”

In author experience, the factor that presents the biggest challenge for most people is the quantity

the quantity factor simply means how much of your value do you actually deliver to the marketplace?

Another way of stating this is, how many people do you actually serve or affect.

then the author says, ” In my business, for instance, some trainers prefer teaching small groups of twenty people at a time, others are comfortable with a hundred participants in the room, other like an audience of five hundred, and still other love audience of a thousand to five thousand or more.”

You may ask what is the difference in income among these trainers.

Then the author gives examples of Network Marketing business. and ask questions to us

Is there a difference in income between someone who has ten people in his or her downline and someone who has ten thousand people?

so the answer is simple, the difference is huge in income among these trainers.

the author at the beginning of this book mentioned that he owned a chain of retail Fitness stores

then the author says, ” From the moment I even considered going into this business my intention was to have one hundred successful stores and affect tens of thousands of people. (rich people mindset)

My competitor on the other hand, who started six months after me, had the intention of owning one successful store.

In the end, she earned a decent living, I got rich !”

Then the author asks some questions to people including us, those who want to be rich.

the author says, ”

  • How do you want to live your life?
  • How do you want to play the game of money?
  • Do you want to play in the big leagues or in the little leagues, in the major or the minors?
  • Are you going to play big or play small?

It’s your choice. Most people choose to play small.”

so you may ask why? for this author give the examples and

the author says, ” first, because of fear, they are scared to death of failure and they are even more frightened of success.

Second, people play small because they feel small, they feel Unworthy. they don’t feel they are good enough or important enough to make a real difference in people’s lives.”

After this wonderful cause, of why questions

the author explains how value is important.

then the author says, ” One of the greatest investors and philosophers of our time, Buckminster said, ” The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of this generation and those that follow.” (rich people mindset)

We each come to this earth with natural talents, things were just naturally good at. these gifts were given to you for a reason to use and share with others.

Research shows that the happiest people are those who use their natural talents to the utmost part of your mission in life then must be to share your gift and value with as many people as possible that means being willing to play big.

then the author asks us a question about the Entrepreneur

the author says, ” Do you know the definition of an entrepreneur? ”

then for define word of entrepreneur,

the author says, ” the definition, we use in our program is ” A person who solves problems for people at a profit.” that’s right, on entrepreneurs is nothing more than a ” problem solver ”

After this wonderful definition of entrepreneur,

the author asks some questions regarding solving the problems.

the author says, ” So, I ask you, would you rather solve problems for more people or fewer people? If you replied more then you need to start thinking bigger and decide to help massive numbers of people thousands even millions.

The by-product is that the more people you help, the “richer” you become, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and definitely financially.

After this, the author gives our mission on this planet or says,

” make no mistake, every person on this planet has a mission.

if you are living right now, there is a season for it. Richard Bach, in his book “Jonathan living on Seagull,” is asked, ” How will I know when I have completed my mission?”

the answer is ” If you are still breathing you are not done.”

What i have witnessed is too many people not doing their job, not fulfilling, their duty, or Dharma as it’s called in Sanskrit.”

Then the author explains how to play the game of money

the author says, ” I watch too many people playing for too small and too many people allowing their fear-based ego selves to rule them. the result is that too many of us are not living up to our full potential, in terms of both our own lives and our contribution to others.” (rich people mindset)

After this, the author tries to convince us to help people to earn money.

the author says, ”  Ir comes down to this if not you, then who?

Again everyone has his or her unique purpose, maybe you are a real estate investor and buy properties to rent them out and make money on cash flow and appreciation.

What’s your mission? How do you help? there is a good chance you add value to your community by helping families find affordable housing they may not otherwise be able to find.

Now the question is how many families and people can you assist? are you willing to help ten instead of one, twenty instead of ten, one hundred instead of twenty? This is what I mean by playing big.

after this, the author gives the one awesome paragraph of the book ” A return to love” by the author Marianne Williamson,

for this paragraph you should buy this book, by the following link

after this, the author says, ” the world doesn’t need more people playing small. It’s time to stop hiding out and start stepping out . It’s time to stop needing and start leading. It’s time to start sharing your gifts instead of hoarding them or pretending they don’t exist. It’s time you started playing the game of life in a “Big Way”.”

In the end, the author says, about small things

the author says, ” Small thinking and small actions lead to being both broke and unfulfilled. big thinking and big actions. Lead to having both money and Meaning. the choice is yours.”

so this is all about his wealth file $4:- rich people think big, poor people think small.

after this, the author gives the declaration and millionaire mid actions,

for seeing this you should buy this book, the link is above image.

Read More

1) Rich Dad Poor Dad

2) the secrets of the millionaire mind book summary

3) the richest man in Babylon

4) 11 commandments of life maximization

5) Rich people principles

6) the Intelligent Investor


By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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