Hello friends in today’s article, we see commandment 8: Emotionally draining distractions. In this commandment Santosh Nair the author of Eleven commandment of life Maximization, explain in this is, how we have to avoid the distractions, that most emotional, and we don’t work on our dream.

Commandment 8: Emotionally Draining Distractions

so let’s see how to face, and focus on dreams while draining emotional distractions.

Commandment 8: Emotionally Draining Distractions

Excessive emotions interfere with intelligence.

So, in life, there are many distractions and we have to get up from this distraction.

For example Sachin Tendulkar, the leading Indian batsman was playing in the 1999 Cricket world cup, when he received the news of his father’s untimely demise. (Commandment 8: Emotionally Draining Distractions)

In a state of shock, Tendulkar flew back to India to perform the final rites for his father. Three days later was India’s match against Kenya,  an important match that required the leading batsman of the nation on the pitch.

Tendulkar packed his bags and was on his way to play his country within 72 hours of living through the biggest loss of his life.

This type of distractions come in life you have to handle this type of distraction for that purpose authors gives the technique: (Commandment 8: Emotionally Draining Distractions)

Emotion decides the state of your mind and the state of your well being when things go wrong in life. And things do go wrong. So what your emotions be at such times?

I have always said that you should be possessed by the following four emotions or states of mind.

1)      Sense of humour

2)      Cheerfulness

3)      Self-confidence

4)      Enthusiasm

These are the hallmark of life maximize.

You need to declare that whatever happens in life:

1)      I will not allow my sense of humour to dwindle.  I will always keep it alive!

To solve problems, you need to have a sense of humour – the ability to laugh at yourself and the whole world. You need to be amused with life and everything that life offers, good or bad. (Commandment 8: Emotionally Draining Distractions)

2)      I will remain cheerful-happy and ready to create or manufacture the next big thing after a debacle!

To solve problems, you need to be cheerful- the ability to remain in good spirits at all times, be optimistic, bright, and pleasant.

3)      I will be confident and remind myself that it is confidence and confidence alone that will help me learn anything, adjust to anything, and accomplish anything in life!

Without confidence, especially when things are not in your favour, you will not be in a position to direct your thoughts, words, and deeds to achieve the next big goal after a downfall. (Commandment 8: Emotionally Draining Distractions)

4)      I will remain enthusiastic, vibrant, and excited about life. I will constantly remind myself that even though many things around me are shattered, I still have a lot of things intact in life with bigger goals to achieve!

To solve problems you need to be enthusiastic. I was told many years ago, that an enthusiast is a man possessed by God. Therefore, you should come across as though you are possessed by God.

Your personality should be such that when people see you, interact with you, they should feel that you are shouting out for joy. On looking at you, people should forget their miseries. Your existence should give comfort and peace to everyone. Meeting you should be like a festival- a celebration, a moment to rejoice. (Commandment 8: Emotionally Draining Distractions)

To buy this book click on the following link

this is all about commandment 8 from book eleven commandments of life maximization by Santosh Nair

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By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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