Hello friends, in today’s article we see wealth file 7 from the book the Secrets of the millionaire mind by T. Harv Eker. In this wealth file, we see how rich people associate with positive and successful people to learn from them and improve themselves. So let’s start to see one by one reason and behind their logic.

Previous Wealth file #6

Wealth file #7:- Rich people associate with positive and successful people

rich people associate with positive and successful people

Rich people associate with positive, successful people.

Poor people associate with negative or Unsuccessful people.

In this wealth file, the author explains the most important things that rich people do for their mindset and improve their business, and also the author explains the power of surroundings. If you surround yourself with successful people then you will be successful.

If you surround yourself with negative and unsuccessful people, then you will become unsuccessful. so in simple meanings, you become those, that you are always surrounded.

so let’s see what is that and how we can use that principle to accumulate wealth, so the author gives us an awesome example to understand.

the author says, ” Successful people look at other successful people as a means to motivate themselves. They see other successful people as a model to learn from. They say to themselves, ” If they can do it, I can do it.”

As I mentioned earlier modeling is one of the primary ways that people learn.

rich people are grateful that others have succeeded before them so that they now have a blueprint to follow that will make it easier to attain their own success. why reinvent the wheel? there are proven methods for success that work for virtually everyone who applies them.” (rich people associate with positive and successful people)

then the author talks about the fastest way to get rich by applying this wealth principle.

the author says, ” Consequently the fastest and easiest way to create wealth is to learn exactly how rich people, who are masters of money, play the game. the goal is to simply model their inner and outer strategies. It just makes sense; if you take the act same actions, and have the exact same mindset, chances are good you will get the exact same results, that’s what I did and that’s what this entire book is about.”

so the above paragraph is wonderful, because, we can learn anything easily, from those people they have experience of whole things, then we learn from them is very fast.

then the author explains, how poor people react when they see rich and successful people.

the author says, ” Contrary to the rich, when poor people hear about other people’s success, they often judge them, Criticize them, mock them, and try to pull them down to their own level.

How much many of you know people like this? how many of you know family members like this? the question is how can you possibly learn from or be inspired by someone you put down?

Whenever I’m introduced to an extremely rich person. I create a way to get together with them. I create a way to get together with them. I want to talk to them, learn how they think, exchange contracts, and if we have other things in common possibly become personal friends with them.

By the way, if you think I’m wrong for preferring to be friends with rich people, perhaps, you’d rather I pick friends who are broke? I don’t think so! as I’ve mentioned before, energy is contagious, and I have no interest in subjecting myself to theirs.” (rich people associate with positive and successful people)

then the author gives examples of negative people.

the author says, ” the was recently doing a radio interview and a woman called in with an excellent question; ” What do I do if I’m positive and what to grow, but my husband is a downer?. Do I leave him? Do I try to get him to change?What?” I hear this question at least a hundred times a week when I’m teaching our courses almost everyone asks the same questions: ” what if the people I’m closest to aren’t into personal growth and even put me down for it?”

then the author gives the most asked questions answer

the author says,” first’s, don’t bother trying to get negative people to change or come to the course that’s not your job. your job is to use what you have learned to better yourself and your life. Be the model, be successful, be happy, they may be and I stress maybe- they will see the light in you and what sone of it. Again the energy is contagious. Darkness dissipates in light.

people actually have to work hard to stay “dark” when light is all around them. Your job is simply to be the best you can be. if they choose to ask you your secret, tell them.

Second, Keep in mind another principle that we feature in our Wizard Training, which is a course about manifesting what you want while staying calm, centered, and peaceful. It states, ” Everything happens for a reason and that reason is there to assist me.” Yes, it’s much more difficult to be positive, and conscious around people and circumstances that are negative, but that’s your test! just as steel is hardened in the fire, if you can remain true to your values while others around you are full of doubt and even condemnation, you will grow faster and stronger.

Also, remember that ” nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it.” Recall in part I of thi9s book, we discussed how we usually end up identifying with or rebelling against one or both of our parents, depending on how we, ” framed ” their actions from now on, I want you to practice reframing other people’s negativity as a reminder you have about how ugly that way of being really is.

I’m not suggesting you tell them this. Just do it, without condemning them for how they are, for if you do begin to judge criticize and put them down for who they are and what they do, then you are o better than them.

worse come to worst, if you just can’t handle their non-supportive energy anymore, if it’s bringing you down to a point, where you’re not able to grow, you may have to make some courageous decisions about who you are and how you want to live the rest of your life. I’m not suggesting you do anything rash, but I for one would never live with a person who was negative and pooh-poohed my desire to learn and grow, be it personally spiritually, or financially.

I wouldn’t do that do myself because I respect myself and my life and I deserve to be as happy and successful as possible. The way, I figure it, there are over 6.3 billion people in the world and there’s no way I’m going to saddle myself with a downer either they move up or I move on! (rich people associate with positive and successful people)

Again, energy is contagious; either you affect people or infect people.”

then the author explains why this happens means energy is contagious.

the author says, ” the same holds true, the opposite way around; either people affect or infect you. Let me ask you a question; would you hug and hold a person you knew had a severe case of measles? most people would say, ” No way, I don’t want to catch the measles.” well, I believe negative thinking is like having measles of the mind.

Instead of itching you get bitching instead of scratching, you get bashing; instead of irritation, you get the frustration. Now, do you really want to be close to people like that?

I am sure you have heard the saying, ” Birds of a feather flock together. ” Did you know that most people earn within 20 percent of the average income of their closest friends, that why you’d better watch whom you associate with and choose whom you spend your time with carefully?”

then the author gives their own experience

the author says,” from my experience-rich people don’t just join the country club to play golf, they join to connect with other rich and successful people. there’s another saying that goes ” It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” As far as I’m concerned, you can take that to the bank. In short, ” If you want to fly with the eagles, don’t swim with the ducks!”

I make it a point to only associate with successful, positive people, and just as importantly, I dissociate from negative ones. I also make it a point to remove myself from toxic situations. I see no reason for infecting myself with poisonous energy. among these, i would include arguing, gossiping, and backstabbing.

I would also include watching ” mindless ” television unless you use it specifically as a relaxation strategy instead of your sole form of entertainment. when I watch T.V. it’s usually sports. first, because I enjoy seeing masters at anything at work or in this case play, and second because I enjoy listening to the interviews after the games.

I love listening to the mindset of champions, and to me, anyone who has mode it as for as the big leagues in any sport is a champion any athlete at that level has outcompeted tens of thousands of other players to get there at all, which makes each of them incredibly to me. (rich people associate with positive and successful people)

I love hearing their attitude when they win; ” I was a great effort from the entire team we did well but we still have improvements to make. It goes to show you that hard work pays off.” I also love listening to their attitude when they lose; ” It’s only one game. we’ll be back, we are just going to forget about this one and put our focus on the next game. We will go back and talk about where we can do better, and then do whatever it takes to win.”

then also give the Olympic game, you can read this, by ordering this book, link in below

then the author explains, why rich people hang around with winners.

the author says, ” Rich people hang around with winners. Poor people hang around with losers. Why? It’s a matter of comfort. rich people are comfortable with other successful people. They feel fully worthy of being with them. Poor people are uncomfortable with highly successful people. they are either afraid they will be rejected or feel as if they don’t belong to protect themselves, the ego then goes into judgment and criticism.”

then the author told if we want to et rich what should we have done.

the author says ” If you want to get rich, you will have to change your inner blueprint to fully believe you are every bit as good as any millionaire or multimillionaire out there. I’m shocked in my seminars when people come up to me and ask if they can touch me. they say, ” I’ve never touched a multimillionaire before, ” I’m usually polite and smile, but in my mind, I’m saying, ” get a fricking life! I am no better or different from you and unless you start to understand that, you will stay broke forever.” (rich people associate with positive and successful people)

then lastly author says, ” my friends, it’s not about ” touching” million it’s about deciding that you are just as good and worthy as they are and then acting like it. my best advice is this: if you really want to touch a millionaire, become One!” I hope you get the point. Instead of modeling rich people, model them. Instead of shying away from rich people, get to know them, instead of saying, ” Wow, they are so special,” says, ” If they can do it, I can do it” Eventually if you want to touch a millionaire, you will be able to touch yourself!

then author give the special millionaire mind activity, you should do this activity while buying this book, ( link in the above image)

so this is all about the wealth file #7, from the book, ” the secrets of the millionaire mind ”

Read More

1) The Richest Man In Babylon

2) rich dad Poor dad summary

3) the 7 habits of successful people

4) 11 commandments of life maximization.

5) One Up On Wall Street

6) The Intelligent Investor

7) Common Stocks and Uncommon profits

By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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