Hello friends, Today’s article, we see the book summary of the New York Times bestseller book is Secrete of the millionaire mind book part-1. In this author help you to develop the inner game of money from secrets of millionaire mind book, so let’s see step by step

Secret of the Millionaire mind book introduction

The secret of the Millionaire mind book introduction:

Introduction:  This book is an all-time favorite of mine because the book provides you a rich mindset and a poor mindset, how it build, why we do the same mistake again and again because of our mindset. This book also introduces you to the inner game of money i.e. programming of thinking to get more money. This book also provides you the 17 files of rich people’s mindset thinking. This book divides into the two-part i.e. part 1 and part 2.

Let’s see one by one:

Part 1: Your money blueprint

In part 1 you get the money blueprint and how is developed from our parent and our surrounding environment. In this part, the author explains the T F A R. and told that how it works and how it develops. (Secret of the Millionaire mind book)


When you think about anyone things then you get that thought after that you search in your blueprint to identify some information that stays regarding in your brain. Then you start feeling about those things.


When you start feeling you get Two things, one is good and the second is bad. If you things the feeling is good then you act on that and start taking action.


When you start taking action you get the effort for that and give them some energy and you get the result that may be good or bad. (Secret of the Millionaire mind book)

  1. Result: 

The result is the fruits of what are you doing. If your fruits are good for you then it’s good and if the results are not good then you have to start the changing of Thought, Feeling, Action pattern instead of changing the result of the blame for the result.

This thought process work on each and every person. If you want to rich think like and like feel like that and take the action what the rich people take and you have to get a result like the rich people.

This is not important is good or bad is important is to follow that process to get what you want.

This is all about the Your money blueprint.

Next Part-2 of Secrets of the millionaire mind book: click here

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By Laxman Sonale

Books Lover, Books Reviewer, Books Content Creator, Investor,

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